این رویداد خاتمه یافته است و اطلاعات موجود در این سایت صرفا جنبه آرشیو دارد
دومین همایش بین المللی و چهارمین همایش ملی ریاضیات زیستی، دانشگاه مازندران.
The 2nd International and 4th National Conference on Biomathematics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran (Virtual)

:: کارگاه های آموزشی

عنوان کارگاه:
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling towards creation of digital twins for cancer patients
This talk emphasizes that patient data, including images, are not operable (clinically), but that digital twins are. Based on the former, the latter can be created. Subsequently, virtual clinical operations can be performed towards selection of optimal therapies. Digital twins are beginning to emerge in the field of medicine.. We elaborate on the importance of digital twins in a future where ‘one-size-fits-all’ therapeutic schemes are transcended. Important mathematical and computational developments will be made in the area of physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling (PBPK), as key engines of digital twins. Multi-modal multi-scale images, combined with other data and aided by computational techniques, will be utilized towards routine digital twinning of patients, and will enable improved deliveries of therapies and overall healthcare.
سخنران: دکتر آرمان رحمیم
زمان برگزاری: چهارشنبه 19 بهمن 1401، ساعت 20-19

عنوان کارگاه:
Applications of mathematical modeling and optimization in radiotherapy cancer treatment planning
Radiotherapy is one of the major modalities of cancer treatment that can be prescribed as the main treatment or can be given in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is the use of radiation beams, precisely directed to diseased cells, to fight cancer. The main objective of radiotherapy is to deliver radiation to the tumor to kill cancerous cells without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. Each cancer patient’s tumor is unique in terms of its shape, location, and the surrounding healthy tissue. The machine settings, including the beam angles and beam shapes, must be customized based on the patient’s image data and the physician’s dose prescription for both the tumor and nearby healthy tissues. This gives rise to large-scale, multi-criteria, and often non-convex optimization problems. In this workshop, we would review and discuss these challenging optimization problems and share our experience in using these models to treat real patients in our hospital (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York).
سخنران: دکتر مسعود زارع پیشه
زمان برگزاری: پنجشنبه 20 بهمن 1401، ساعت 20-18


عنوان کارگاه:
Developing a Detailed Model of the Central Nervous System of a Swimming Frog Tadpole
At early stages after hatchling, xenopus tadpoles do very little and mostly rest. They start swimming forward by bending their body from side to side if they are disturbed by a moderate stimulus. The alternating contraction of trunk muscles bends the body from side to side by traveling from head towards the tail. For replicating such a behaviour, a detailed model of the entire central nervous system (CNS) has been developed. Then, the activity of motoneurons generated by this network is projected on a virtual tadpole. My main goal in this workshop is to show how biology, mathematics and computer science can work hand in hand to study sophisticated phenomena. I will start from a single neuron and explain modelling its activities as a Hodgkin—Huxley model. Then, the growth of axons and synapses are mathematically modelled to construct synaptic connections among different types of neurons. Finally, I will present some simulations of the constructed network and the virtual tadpole.
سخنران: دکتر سعید فرجامی
زمان برگزاری: پنجشنبه 20 بهمن 1401، ساعت: 14-12 و 20-18


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